Hello, I'm SR

I am Gifted for experience with Better Service & Faster. I was able to help the client and successfully created with an identity.

As Featured in

Spark Stories

Turning Point

Mathrubhumi News.

Protfolio Multiple


Business consulting

Stock Market Trading Mentoring

Personal Finance Training

Venture Capital Investment

Asset Management


Royal Traders Academy

We offer a variety of courses through our academy tailored for traders of all levels. These include option trading strategies, scalping strategies, and courses ranging from basic to advanced levels.

Royal Robo Trading

We assist investors in placing their money in our personalized gold algo trading platform, developed by our team. This platform ensures guaranteed returns.

Royal Assets

Royal Assets is involved in investing, operating, and asset management. They have established and manage several companies, including Ash Corp Technologies, Royal Algo Trading, and MF Aqua Ionizer, among others.

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